Monday, July 29, 2019

BluHorn TV – “5 Minutes With” Sharon Miller Extend Marketing Partners

Company: Extend Marketing Partners
Website Address:
Interviewee: Sharon Miller

Short company description: We are a full scale digital marketing company with a grow with Google partnership. We under stand it all starts with Google.
How does your marketing strategy change from working with a local advertising client to a national advertising client?: With a small business we normally start with making sure they have a strong Google presence and build out from their. With a large client we will have an in depth meeting to understand thier wants, needs and budget. Then we build out a pitch and proposal.
How do you define success?: Success comes from helping our clients grow. For some the growth is in new business and for other the growth comes from having a more attractive presences online so their existing client base has a positive experience when engaging with them.
The biggest change that your predict will happen in marketing in the next 5 years is what?: That marketing will continue to become more and more digital and staying ahead that growth.
Why is it important for a business to hire an outside ad agency as opposed to having just an internal marketing director?: A company’s job is to be great at what they do and for most marketing takes a back burner. Our job is to be great at marketing for our clients. We have a team of employees constantly understanding what is going on in the marketing world so we can take that burden off their shoulders.

Mike White launched Client Focused Media in 2002, the leading integrated marketing firm in Northeast Florida with extensive capabilities and experience providing strategic planning, marketing, creative, advertising, printing, branding, public relations and crisis communications services. He also serves as the Publisher of Jacksonville Buzz Magazine which reaches 150,000 readers each month and is the CEO of Bluhorn Solutions. Because of White’s commitment to provide the broadest range of integrated marketing services possible for CFM’s clients, he also founded an events production company as well as a promotional product company to support CFM’s cutting edge marketing campaigns and to yield measurable results for CFM clients at the most efficient rates.

Mike White
So tell me a little bit about the background of Extend Marketing Partners and how you guys got started.

Sharon Miller
So Extend is actually four different businesses that recently came together back in May. So all of us had our own independent businesses and did a lot of work together and just decided that it made sense to be one big business versus four small ones.

Mike White
What are the biggest changes that you think are going to come to the digital industry.

Sharon Miller
I think right now one of the biggest things we’re seeing is the Google My Business page. Google has made a significant amount of changes to that in the last 18 months.

Mike White
The page is becoming such an important part of a business’s way of marketing. Number one I mean Google’s over ninety four percent of every search done every day. And you know Google Maps is just increasing in search. So if you don’t have an or take the time to make that Google business page listing be the best representation of your company. You’re really missing out.

Sharon Miller
Well I appreciate you joining us on the program today to find out more about Sharon and her company visit and Sharon. Thank you for joining us on five minutes with today.

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