Monday, July 22, 2019

BluHorn TV – “5 Minutes With” Jordun Paster from the American Marketing Association

Each week on “5 Minutes With,” Mike White interviews media experts. This week he sits down with Jordun Paster from the American Marketing Association ( The American Marketing Association focuses on providing marketers around the world with industry updates and also partners with large companies to provide the collegiate chapters a project to complete.

Company:  American Marketing Association

Website Address:

Interviewee: Jordun Paster

 How does your marketing strategy change from working with a local advertising client to a national advertising client?: When working with a local advertising client, we tend to focus more on community events, website optimization, social media tactics, email marketing, and trade shows. We have never worked directly with a national advertising client but if we did, we would focus more on paid advertising. As in Google Ads, TV Commercials, etc. Also focusing on increasing brand awareness with the social media accounts.

How do you define success?: Success is hard to define because everyone has their own opinion of what being “successful” is. My opinion of success is being able to look yourself in the mirror and tell yourself that you are giving every ounce of effort you have into whatever it is that your doing. Ones idea of success could be providing for their family, thriving in your current position, winning Fortnight tournaments, etc. There are endless scenarios to what one can call a measure of success.

The biggest change that your predict will happen in marketing in the next 5 years is what?: I think one big change that will happen in the marketing world is increased consumer visibility to their own data that marketers collect. Making the consumer feel better about what data is being tracked and stored will lead to more trust and ultimately more brand loyalty (depending on the data that is being collected).

Why is it important for a business to hire an outside ad agency as opposed to having just an internal marketing director?: I love this discussion! It is important for a business to hire an outside ad agency opposed to having just an internal marketing director because your business will have a TEAM of trained industry experts working with your resources opposed to one person/small team working with the resources. Also, An ad agency most likely has a deeper network of people that can assist in the marketing strategies. Picking between the two would come down to how much resources you have set aside for marketing purposes and also, what you plan to achieve with your marketing strategy.

Mike White
Welcome back to five minutes with on BluHorn TV, a program where we talk about the changes in marketing advertising and the people who are running agencies as well as in marketing. Today, joining us remotely, we have Jordun Paster who’s the president of the American Marketing Association at Kent University. Welcome to the program!

Jordun Paster
Thanks for having me.

Mike White
So we’ve interviewed people at the beginning of their career, the end of their career, right in the middle. So you are at right at the very beginning. You are what year at Kent State?

Jordun Paster
I am gonna be a senior going into this year.

Mike White
What made you want to go into marketing.

Jordun Paster
So I actually started off as a business management major and I took a principles of marketing class and realized how much more fun and hands on marketing is compared to the business management courses. As I progressed through my coursework, I just started to fall in love with it even more.

Mike White
Tell me about your experiences getting involved with the American Marketing Association.

Jordun Paster
So one of the former presidents came into one of our classrooms and gave a recruitment speech and I thought, I’m not really a part of any organizations, I don’t really have any interest in joining a fraternity. So I was like I might as well just kind of show up to the meeting. I showed up to the meeting realized all the benefits I had to offer kind of got an idea of what was going on during the meetings and how it could help me grow as a professional. And that’s kind of how I got into the American Marketing Association. And then from there I just started kind of getting more involved. I got a position as a director of research and did a huge case study for the Wall Street Journal for the American Marketing Association which like a little competition. And then when the former president left I got nominated as president and got it.

Mike White
So as you go through and you’re seeing different changes happening in real time and marketing, looking ahead five years what do you think the biggest changes that are going to come within the marketing industry.

Jordun Paster
That’s a good question. So it’s kind of a stretch here but if you had to ask me I think it’ll be a lot harder for companies to collect data. With all the privacy issues going on so many different controversies. I feel that the rules and regulations for collecting consumer data will be a lot more regulated and a lot harder to obtain.

Mike White
What services would you provide in your own business?

Jordun Paster
So I’m actually writing out a business plan. Me and one of my buddies from college are going to focus on smaller companies that aren’t really up to date with their websites yet and kind of go in there and create a better or more optimized Web site for them and then teach them how to track data on that Web site and how to make decisions based off that data.

Mike White
So once you’re in business what’s your exit strategy.

Jordun Paster
So I’d like to keep it going for as long as I possibly can and continue to help out the community and kind of help businesses out build relationships. I would say my ultimate goal in life is to become a professor at a at a university. After I get my undergrad I’m gonna go get my MBA and then a few years after that once I kind of get more practical experience in marketing I want to get my HD and teach graduate level courses while also running my own business.

Mike White
Well it sounds like you’re very ambitious. Thank you for joining us on the program today. To find about more about Jordun and the American Marketing Association at Kent State University, visit We look forward to seeing you next time on BluHorn TV.

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