Monday, July 22, 2019

BluHorn TV – “5 Minutes With” Mike Osborne from MediaMobz

Each week on “5 Minutes With,” Mike White interviews media experts. Today he sits down with Mike Osborne from MediaMobz. MediaMobz and its GLXStudio Platform enable businesses to easily and quickly communicate their message internally and externally using video.

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Interviewee: Mike Osborne

 In the Next 5 years, the biggest change to marketing will be what?: Marketing will be more experiential instead of promotional

What percent of your advertising service offerings does media buying make up?: We don’t directly do Media Buying – we enable the rapid curation of content that can be used in Media Buy

Why is it important for a business to hire an outside ad agency as opposed to having just an internal marketing director?: Outside agencies have reach and capabilities that most internal marketing groups don’t have

Mike White
Welcome back to five minutes with on BluHorn TV where we find industry experts and talk about what’s coming up and what changes in marketing are going on. Joining us remotely from Denver Colorado, we’ve got a digital executive that comes in and helps provide production and a whole lot of other fun stuff, Mike Osborne with MediaMobz. Welcome to the program.

Mike Osborne
Thanks Mike. Glad to be here.

Mike White
So tell us a little bit about MediaMobz and your background.

Mike Osborne
Yes. So MediaMobz is a five year old company. About two years ago, we did a pivot from being a services organization, where we used our platform with larger companies, to turning it into a software as a service to enable more and more people to utilize the tool suites that we had created that allow you to quickly edit content and curate additional content as well as collaborate and find professional shooters and animators and others if you need those services.

Mike White
So you provide other marketing departments and ad agencies the opportunity to utilize your software to provide great content for the clients?

Mike Osborne
Yes. So we built the tools with the idea being that instead of needing to go to the video edit creative department for every piece of social content and for every piece of campaign content that that a group wanted to do, you could curate based on those larger programs quickly with our drag and drop utilities and the software as a service platform that we’ve created that makes it so that anybody can quickly edit professional content.

Mike White
Where do you see content going and marketing changes over the next five years from your experience and what you’ve been seeing in the trends in the industry.

Mike Osborne
Well there’s kind of two phases with that. One is there’s a lot more that’s going to be kind of what I call self curated content. So it’s you know the the middle line semi-professional creation is going to be replaced with more raw with more individual driven content. But more importantly I think that the content is going to be it’s going to fall into an experience all category more of a edutainment if you will you know where it’s going to get the message across. But it has to be something that drives some type of of learning or interest level for people beyond just advertising.

Mike White
So when a company comes on and uses other SAS companies what is important for them to know when researching a software to add on to their service offerings their clients.

Mike Osborne
Well it’s really important for them to understand what they get for what they’re buying. To make sure that that there’s not a lot of of kind of buried fees and charges because as a SaaS company you’ve got everything’s cloud based which means there’s storage and bandwidth in all of these other elements. So first and foremost make sure you’re not going to get into something that’s going to cost you far more than your budget allows. And second make sure that when they say it can be used from anywhere that in fact it works on tablets and and operating systems like you know whether it’s IOW Mac OS Windows.

Mike White
What assurances do they have that that person is qualified. What kind of research or test projects do you do with those vendors.

Mike Osborne
Yeah so for everybody who joins the marketplace for us, having spent the number of years I spent in production, we have a vetting process that they have to go through. They’ve got to provide a reel to me, I’ve got to be able to see previous professional work. we do in an on camera interview. Because at the end of the day they are carrying our flag.

Mike White
Well I appreciate you joining us today on the program and to find out more about media mobs and Mike’s company business go to We look forward to seeing you next time on BluHorn TV.

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