Thursday, September 27, 2018

BluHorn Interviewed Regarding Data and Development

BluHorn’s head of development/web architect, Wes Benwick, and one of his colleagues were recently interviewed for a story about data usage and development.

This article can be accessed by clicking HERE

Wes talks a lot about how at BluHorn, we take our customer support requests very seriously.  We are a family and want our users to understand that we know their industry.  We get time is of the essence when putting together a media plan or trying to get a fully approved media buy out the door.  Support requests have some give and take, and this article and video may even give some of our current users a peek into how the data and development process operates for our platform.

Here’s a direct viewing of the video from within the article:

We are proud of Wes and our development team!

Wednesday, September 19, 2018


We love our customers.  We say it all the time.  BluHorn is a family and we treat our customers like they are just that.

No, not the family that you love to hate or squabbling siblings that can’t find common ground.  We’re talking bear-hugging, grandma’s chicken soup eating, smiles at DisneyWorld type of family love.

We love it when our customers share that love right back.  We recently received this video from our longtime customer Adele.  She was so nice to share why BluHorn works for her, and how it might work for YOU!

BluHorn was created BY media buyers, FOR media buyers.  We want the experience to be user-friendly and easy to understand.  In our nearly 8 years of software life, we have taken all our users’ feedback very seriously and worked to integrate the wonderful ideas and suggestions we receive into everyday use of the platform.

Our customers love that their ideas are heard and, more importantly, taken seriously. We love feedback.  We live for it.  Our goal is to take what works and continue to improve upon it to make BluHorn a literal one-stop shop for your buying and planning needs.

Have you had a great experience with BluHorn?  Share it with us!  Send to our email  Or better yet, spread the #bluhornlove on our Facebook page and use the hashtag!  We’d love to hear from you and let your story help others to understand why they should try BluHorn for themselves.


Tuesday, September 11, 2018


To-do apps are gaining people’s attention as a result of the amount of time people spend operating their mobile devices. Manual to-do lists are becoming a thing of the past, as paper and pencil are rarely carried with mobile devices available. Everything is going digital and in order to keep up, you need to flow with the trend to be more productive.

To-do apps help to keep your daily tasks in check. They provide you with a quick and convenient way to create, view and perform all the items on your to-do lists.

Google Tasks app is meant to simply provide you with easy and concise ways of tracking your tasks. Unlike other to-do apps, the Google Tasks app enables you to not only manage and create multiple tasks and sub-tasks, but to also set due dates and add details.

Having a Google account makes it possible for you to access your tasks on any device.

Here is how to get started with Google Tasks:

Download Google Tasks

For android users, the Google Tasks app can be downloaded from Google Play, and iOS users can access the app from the App Store. If you are an android user, the app will require your Google account to identify your location. You can simply accept or decline if you don’t want it.

The app is activated once you click on the get started option. If you use iOS, you will be asked which Google account you would like to use and need to click on the correct account. Your permission is needed to send you notifications, and allowing this will alert you whenever your tasks are due.

My Tasks

Tap the button at the My Tasks screen to add new tasks. Type the task you want to enter and click on the save button. All tasks you have previously entered are found in My Tasks.

Add More Information

To add more information to your task such as details, sub-tasks and due dates click the task which will bring up another screen. Click on the field you wish to add details you want to save. Click on the link to add date information, after which you will click the OK button to save the date. Also click on the link to add sub-tasks and by clicking done, your additional information has been saved.

Create Another Task

To return to My Task screen, click on the Back button. Click the Add new task to create another task. Repeat the process you completed with the first task. Click the + button and click the icon with the horizontal lines to add details to the task. Click the calendar icon to select the due date. To store the tasks click save.

Sort Tasks

When you are done with creating tasks, return to the My Tasks screen. Note that you can sort your tasks by due dates instead of the order they were created. To do this click on the ellipsis icon on the lower right of your My Tasks screen. You can choose to give your list a different name other than the My Tasks it is normally saved with. You can always choose to delete your completed tasks by clicking delete.

Complete a task

Click on the Complete Task circle to complete your task. The task will disappear from your list and appear in the list of completed tasks. You can click on Completed to if you wish to see the tasks you have completed. Tasks completed can be moved back to your active list by clicking on their checkmarks.

Create Multiple Lists

As earlier stated, Google Tasks app allows you to create multiple lists of tasks. To do so click on the hamburger icon on the lower left part of your screen. Click the create new list to type a name for the new list and then click Done. To add a new task click on the Add New Task button and save.

Switch Lists

You can view from a list to another by clicking on the Hamburger icon to select the list you want to view.

View Anywhere

One great thing about the Google Tasks app is that you can access your tasks lists on your computer or mobile devices. PC access can be via your web browser on the Google Tasks website.


There are many great reasons why you might prefer the Google Tasks app above other to-do apps:

  1. If you currently use Google Calendar, Gmail and Google drive, it is very simple to use the Google Tasks app.
  2. It is easy to add items to a general list. This will also allow you create separate lists for special topics.
  3. If you are a Type-A kind of person, Google tasks is certainly what you need. It has a clear and a minimalist layout which will allow you to organize your tasks and streamline your to-do list.
  4. It allows you add additional details and due dates by simply clicking on a task. The date feature helps you stay on top of tasks that need immediate attention.
  5. Your list is arranged chronologically according to the due date each task was assigned.
  6. Google Tasks allows editing and correction. You can easily move a task from one list to another.
  7. When a task is completed, it can be moved to the “Completed” folder with one. You can either sort or delete any and all completed tasks.
  8. With the new version of Google you can also access the app through your desktop.
  9. Emails can be dragged and dropped into your tasks in order to quickly and easily create a new item in your list.
  10. Google Tasks is free to download on either Andriod or iPhone devices.