Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Business Profile Media Volery LLC

Business Name: Media Volery LLC
First Name: Zontee
Last Name: Hou
Address: 540 President St, Floor 3
City: Brooklyn
State: NY
Zip: 11215

About Us: Media Volery is a New York City-based strategic marketing agency and consultancy with a digital focus. We support growing businesses and help them tell their brand stories compellingly, while achieving their business goals. We believe in research, metrics-driven insights, and keeping our eyes on the prize. At Media Volery, our focus is on developing digital strategies and content that help tell your brand’s story and achieve your goals.

Led by digital marketing expert and speaker Zontee Hou, named one of TopRank’s most influential content marketers in 2019, our diverse team has experience across industries. We bring years of experience in marketing professional services, CPG, retail brands, luxury goods, financial services and banking, and nonprofits.

Current clients range from influential solo-preneurs to mid-size companies looking to focus their resources with targeted marketing strategies built with metrics in mind. With our help, our clients create genuine connections between their brands and their target audiences every day.

Our offices are in the vibrant neighborhood of Gowanus, Brooklyn.

What is your favorite advertising campaign that you have created for a client?

How does your marketing strategy change from working with a local advertising client to a national advertising client?
With local customers, we often focus on geo-location based targeting, as well as messaging that speaks to relevance, convenience, and local expertise. With national clients, messaging might be more focused on relevance through customer motivations and behaviors.

Why is it important to hire a digital marketing agency and not just a full service marketing agency with a digital marketing component?
In this day and age, all brands need to be digital natives. While some legacy marketing firms have gotten good at digital, they’re not digital first and they’re not necessarily focused on keeping your brand on top of current digital trends, so much as tacking digital onto traditional methods.

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