Monday, August 5, 2019

BluHorn TV – “5 Minutes With” Kenneth Lempit from Austin Lawerence Group

Company: Austin Lawerence Group Inc.
Website Address:
Interviewee: Kenneth Lempit

Short company description: Austin Lawrence Group is a content marketing agency that helps SaaS companies to accelerate growth through content marketing and thought leadership initiatives.
In the Next 5 years, the biggest change to marketing will be what?: AI will no doubt change a lot of the busy work of marketing. Administrative tasks that are at all repetitive will be automated partially or fully.
Why is it important for a business to hire an outside ad agency as opposed to having just an internal marketing director?: This is a big one… internal teams may start strong but ultimately calcify. Agencies bring a wealth of experience and context that internal teams gradually lose, and as this sharp edge dulls, the power of the ideas being generated goes down.

Mike White launched Client Focused Media in 2002, the leading integrated marketing firm in Northeast Florida with extensive capabilities and experience providing strategic planning, marketing, creative, advertising, printing, branding, public relations and crisis communications services. He also serves as the Publisher of Jacksonville Buzz Magazine which reaches 150,000 readers each month and is the CEO of Bluhorn Solutions. Because of White’s commitment to provide the broadest range of integrated marketing services possible for CFM’s clients, he also founded an events production company as well as a promotional product company to support CFM’s cutting edge marketing campaigns and to yield measurable results for CFM clients at the most efficient rates.

Mike White
Tell me about the Austin Lawrence Group and what you guys provide services or what services you provide and for whom.

Ken Lempit
Austin Lawrence is a growth marketing agency. Our business is primarily online. We build content and engagement experiences for our clients which are primarily SAS software companies. We operate in three areas. We provide thought leadership programs, and those are campaigns designed to change the way people think about an industry a company or a market. We do business effectiveness consulting for these SAS companies touching them everywhere that they touch customers or prospects. Then we do the day to day lead generation marketing of content work and blogs, ebooks, webinars, white papers, et cetera.

Mike White
At what point did you start transforming into the content development and the digital aspects that you provide the SAS businesses.

Ken Lempit
Yeah. So the agency was traditionally an advertising agency fully print and in real life events. Things really changed for us about six years ago when we started getting involved in tying the performance of Web based content sales outcomes. And I think that the ability to link up the activities online with what actually occurred in sales has been really the revolution. The ability to do the analytics in a closed loop fashion has really been a game changer over the last five years.

Mike White
You’ve got an entire team, out of the team what is your favorite worker and why.

Ken Lempit
I think that as a leader you have to look at the people that actually do the work and make you successful. And Kelly Burke is someone on my team who is just unflappable and what I really appreciate about this woman is that you know I haven’t given her an assignment yet that’s failed and she’s never said I can’t do it. She’s only said let me figure it out. And I think for people in the early to mid stage of their career perhaps the most important thing you can do is be that can do person who figures it out gets the job done. So that’s Kelly Burke.

Mike White
What do you feel are gonna be the biggest trend centers or trend setters or game changing activities that are gonna take place in the near future when it comes to digital marketing.

Ken Lempit
Well I think there’s two things ones right on us and one’s coming real soon. What’s right on us is that content marketing, while very effective and very important, it’s become almost impossible for many companies to search organically as the main way to generate inbound leads. So we’re gonna have to promote our content more than we previously might have wanted to. And that means we’re going to need to budget for advertising, for promoting our content in ways that we didn’t use to do. I think coming right on the heels of this the next two to three years AI in marketing automation is going to take away a lot of the jobs the need for the repetitive tasks that we that we staff today and I think that’s going to catch people by surprise from what I can tell. So I’d say that we’re in automation interestingly we’re creating a lot of manual labor. And I think some of that’s going to go away and the pace will accelerate over the next two to four years. So somewhere between two and three years it’s going to really be a trend.

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