Friday, August 9, 2019

BluHorn TV – “5 Minutes With” Ted Galluci from Plum Direct Marketing

Each week on 5 Minutes With, our host Susan talks to experts in the media industry. Today, Susan talks to Ted Galluci from Plum Direct Marketing. Plum Direct Marketing is small family owned business based out of Dartmouth Massachusetts, they are a full fledge marketing company, both in direct-mailing and direct-marketing. Plum Direct Marketing provides PPC, Marketing strategy, etc for their clients. To learn more, visit

BluHorn TV – “5 Minutes With” Kelly Alexander from KCo Advertising

Each week on 5 Minutes With, our host Wes Benwick talks to experts in the advertising industry. Today, Wes is joined remotely by Kelly Alexander from KCo Advertising. KCo is an Ad agency that helps businesses grow their sales and revenue through platforms that is fitted to reach their target customer with branding, media placement, digital marketing and more. To learn more, visit

BluHorn TV – “5 Minutes With” Scott Markman from The Monogram Group

Each week on 5 Minutes With, our host Wes Benwick talks to experts in the advertising industry. Today, Wes is joined remotely by Scott Markman from The Monogram Group. Founded in 1990, Chicago-based Monogram Group are experts at repositioning brands for business performance. Some are local, many global. They all have one common denominator: the need to adapt, engage and thrive. To learn more, visit

Thursday, August 8, 2019

BluHorn TV – “5 Minutes With” Quentin Gause from Iron Visuals LLC

Each week on Bluhorn TV, David Sillick talks to experts in the media industry. Today David talks to Quentin Gause from Iron Visuals LLC.
Company: Iron Visuals LLC
Website Address:
Interviewee: Quentin Gause

Short company description: Iron Visuals is a digital media, marketing company specializing in capturing content telling your story through high quality video, Graphic Design creating a beautiful master piece for your brand, and Digital Marketing helping you reach your target audience.
What makes your company unique?: Our services, customer services, and professionalism.
Tell us about a recent success story: Helped a client organically convert leads into sales and gave them a great ROI.
In the next few years, what is the biggest change that you feel will happen in marketing?: There is an even more huge demand for video. Around 68 % of people prefer to learn about a product or service through video. 15% text based articles, 4% infographic , 4% Presentation & Pitches, 3% Ebooks & Manuals.
What is one tip you would provide someone asking for your marketing advice: Marketing your brand today and getting it in front of people has become even easier because of the social media platforms. Using the right strategy and adjusting your brands strategy when need be is very critical to your brands success.

David Sillick
So tell us a little bit about the company and what inspired you to start it and come up with a name like Iron Visuals

Quentin Gause
So Iron Visuals comes from Proverbs 27:17, iron sharpens iron, another man sharpens another. That’s why I came up with the name. And you know when I was playing in the NFL I always would continue to think of like Hey I wanna create something that is generational, that my family can continue to keep building on. It’s something that I enjoy doing. I got my degree in sports journalism and media and I went to ESPN and you know got a lot of experience over there. In our company what makes us different is just like our customer service the way our videos are. We try to bring forth that cinematic feel to our clients instead of just the basics.

David Sillick
What would be one piece of advice you would give a prospective client

Quentin Gause
What are you trying to accomplish with your brand? Are you looking to to generate leads? You want to get people to come in and you want to know you are going to get sales. We want to know and understand your business’ issues. And it’s our job to go in and figure that out and what we do is we love to get to know the client. We want to get a chance to really dig in and understand the client like build that relationship with them. So the biggest thing is like for them just to really understand where are their strengths and weaknesses are.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

BluHorn TV – 5 Minutes With Zontee Hou from Media Volery

Each week on Bluhorn TV, Mike White talks to experts in the media industry. Today Mike talks to Zone Hou from Media Volery.

Company: Media Volery
Website Address:
Interviewee: Zontee Hou

Short company description:
Media Volery is a New York City-based strategic marketing agency and consultancy with a digital focus. We support growing businesses and help them tell their brand stories compellingly, while achieving their business goals.

We believe in research, metrics-driven insights, and keeping our eyes on the prize. Our clients include retail brands, luxury brands, software companies, professional services, and nonprofits.
In the Next 5 years, the biggest change to marketing will be what?: Marketing will need to become more customized to individuals–technology will facilitate customized content and ads being targeted and displayed. But marketers must change how they think about their audiences to ask them what they need, rather than to assume broadly about general market segments.

Mike White
Tell me a little bit about your company and the digital services you offer.

Zontee Hou
Media Volery is a digital marketing firm focused on results driven business calls, meaning that we really like to dig into the metrics and the data to better understand what are the ways that we can best serve our client’s customers and really connect them to the brand value propositions.

Mike White
How do you see over the next three years digital changing for corporations?

Zontee Hou
I speak to a lot of industry professionals at events around the country and the things that we’re talking about right now are how the access to information is changing. So think about the voice assistance that you have in your pocket or on your desk at home or think about the fact that we are now all carrying a supercomputer in our hands basically every day the week right. Our customers are so easily accessing information about not only our brands but our competitors and the industry as a whole. Every second of the day and so that means that what they are looking for is information to be delivered to them in a more friendly conversational way that’s more intuitive. We’re going to have to keep an eye on that in the next couple of years when it comes to marketing. People are already expecting the information to be highly tailored to them.

Mike White
Are there a specific two pieces of software that you guys utilize that you ultimately love and that works best with your clients?

Zontee Hou
Yeah. So I think there are a lot of different ways of gathering analytics to tools that are in our tool belt that we think are really essential. Our first rival IQ which allows us to build competitive landscapes of the social media landscape for our clients and track those over time can better understand what’s happening not only with conversations around the brands but also on what those competitors are doing more or less effectively. The second tool that we use very consistently is since most or now it’s called meltwater social which is from meltwater Of course. And it allows us to gather broad sets of social listening around topics so we can build a profile for all of the brands within a client’s portfolio or around the conversation in their industry so that we can better understand what’s happening not only on social media but on blogs in the news in forums et cetera so that we can better analyze the conversations and the trends that are happening within that specific space.

Five Minutes With Kenny Harper from Rock My Image

Each week on Bluhorn TV, David Sillick talks to experts in the media industry. Today David talks to Kenny Harper from Rock My Image.

Company: Rock My Image
Website Address:
Interviewee: Kenneth Harper

Short company description: I help businesses increase profits through increased sales and efficiencies by leveraging strategy & systems.
What is your favorite advertising campaign that you have created for a client or participated in?: Poison Billiards – Brand Launch
How does your marketing strategy change from working with a local advertising client to a national advertising client?: That really varies depending on the client, their goals, needs and budget.

David Sillick
Tell us a little bit about Rock my Image. What inspired you to get it started. What inspired the name.

Kenny Harper
So my background as a young kid is always always looking to be artistic and creative, to have that visionary perspective. So I got into music playing rock and roll and then as I started to grow into my career of marketing and advertising and professional development I wanted to do something that was different. That was fun and really created the name Rock My Image.

David Sillick
And looking at your website and your LinkedIn profile I noticed you mentioned a proprietary system that you have. Walk us through that. What’s that mean and how do you use that with your clients.

Kenny Harper
We created a software that really helps to look at not just the marketing but what companies are doing to generate leads, close more sales, and retain clients or referrals and ultimately become more profitable as a business. And so we walk through an assessment that really helps to identify areas of opportunity so that they have a plan and a structured plan to amplify their business.

David Sillick
So what would be one piece of advice that you would give someone.

Kenny Harper
Take time to take a step back and really assess your business and create clear goals. I’ve talked to a lot of different successful business owners business owners that have multiple operations been in business for over 20 years and a lot of them don’t have clear goals define for improving their business. They are not tracking this on a regular basis. There is not a plan to help them move the business forward. So that’s that’s a place to start is really identifying what your goals are and then you can work on the strategies to implement. Far too often people jump to a tactic a marketing tactic they see oh there’s a social media app we should be on it but they really don’t know how that’s going to apply and work for their business in the long term goals. Share with us.

David Sillick
Tell us a recent success story.

Kenny Harper
So I met Jamie Clavin. She owns almost home senior services and then I met her at a local chamber event and she was telling me the competition is just blowing up in the senior services market. I don’t day care. There’s all these little operations popping up. She needed some fresh perspective on what she could do to elevate her image elevate her systems so she can stay competitive in the market. So we took a step back to really look to see what she was doing and developed an action plan. Since then she’s authored a book is generating more leads and has really worked through her sales process to automate that providing a better experience. And ultimately she’s growing her business.

firstmike lastmike

firstmike lastmike
title at Companymike

What services does your company provide?

Creative, Media Buying and Plannin, Social Media

About Companymike:

Short company description:

In the Next 5 years, the biggest change to marketing will be what?

In the Next 5 years, the biggest change to marketing will be what?

What percent of your advertising service offerings does media buying make up?

What percent of your advertising service offerings does media buying make up?

When buying media, what percent of your advertising investment is spent on traditional media and how much of your advertising budget is spent on digital advertising?

When buying media, what percent of your advertising investment is spent on traditional media and how much of your advertising budget is spent on digital advertising?

Why is it important for a business to hire an outside ad agency as opposed to having just an internal marketing director?

Why is it important for a business to hire an outside ad agency as opposed to having just an internal marketing director?

Business Profile Media Volery LLC

Business Name: Media Volery LLC
First Name: Zontee
Last Name: Hou
Address: 540 President St, Floor 3
City: Brooklyn
State: NY
Zip: 11215

About Us: Media Volery is a New York City-based strategic marketing agency and consultancy with a digital focus. We support growing businesses and help them tell their brand stories compellingly, while achieving their business goals. We believe in research, metrics-driven insights, and keeping our eyes on the prize. At Media Volery, our focus is on developing digital strategies and content that help tell your brand’s story and achieve your goals.

Led by digital marketing expert and speaker Zontee Hou, named one of TopRank’s most influential content marketers in 2019, our diverse team has experience across industries. We bring years of experience in marketing professional services, CPG, retail brands, luxury goods, financial services and banking, and nonprofits.

Current clients range from influential solo-preneurs to mid-size companies looking to focus their resources with targeted marketing strategies built with metrics in mind. With our help, our clients create genuine connections between their brands and their target audiences every day.

Our offices are in the vibrant neighborhood of Gowanus, Brooklyn.

What is your favorite advertising campaign that you have created for a client?

How does your marketing strategy change from working with a local advertising client to a national advertising client?
With local customers, we often focus on geo-location based targeting, as well as messaging that speaks to relevance, convenience, and local expertise. With national clients, messaging might be more focused on relevance through customer motivations and behaviors.

Why is it important to hire a digital marketing agency and not just a full service marketing agency with a digital marketing component?
In this day and age, all brands need to be digital natives. While some legacy marketing firms have gotten good at digital, they’re not digital first and they’re not necessarily focused on keeping your brand on top of current digital trends, so much as tacking digital onto traditional methods.

Monday, August 5, 2019

BluHorn TV – “5 Minutes With” Ed Faroulo with VitaLincs, INC.

Each week on 5 Minutes With, our host Mike White talks to experts in the media industry. Today, Mike talks to Ed Faroulo with VitaLincs, INC. Ed Faruolo has an exceptional track record for creating and securing sustainable market opportunities for new and existing business ventures. Ed created VitaLincs to help companies be more vital to the markets they serve, and to design how they continually add value and grow with their customers. Ed’s consulting clients actively seek him out to quickly evaluate and design the fastest path to sustainable customer growth and engagement. To learn more, visit

BluHorn TV – “DIgital Champions” with Chip LaFleur with LaFleur Marketing

Each week on Digital Champions, our host Mike White talks to experts in digital marketing. Today, Mike talks to Chip LaFleur with LaFleur Marketing. LaFleur is a forward-thinking digital marketing partner. They create innovative, data-driven marketing strategies and assets for law firms, healthcare organizations, and growing businesses. LaFleur provides all types of services to its clients, such as: Creative, Media Buying and Planning, Social Media, SEO, Marketing Strategy, etc. To learn more, visit

BluHorn TV – “5 Minutes With” Clayton Joyner from Turbo Medical Marketing

Company: Turbo Medical Marketing
Website Address:
Interviewee: Clayton Joyner

Short company description: We are full service Aesthetic Medical Marketing Growth Membership organization.
In the Next 5 years, the biggest change to marketing will be what?: Hyper personalized content delivery

Mike White
Tell us about the services you provide.

Clayton Joyner
We are a full service digital marketing agency. We’re in the process now of expanding it to multiple products within the digital realm and we niche in the aesthetic medical marketing space. So we typically are working with plastic surgeons, med spots, cosmetic terms. Our whole objective really is to get a 360 degree presence for them digitally to make sure that there’s no gaps in their marketing strategy and they can continue to grow. Part of that in turn obviously is to provide feedback. We’ve come up with a four section framework for growth that we’re making sure that we have digital strategies that will mirror what we need in each of those segments to make sure that not only does our practice get results and today but they need to be able to sustain that result level for 10-15 years from now.

Mike White
So when you sit down with one of your prospective clients and they say well I’ve got an in-house marketing person why do I need you. Why is it important for someone to hire an outside resource to handle their digital or additional marketing needs.

Clayton Joyner
I love that question. Okay I love that question. So it is impossible. There are things that we could do and there are things that we should do to get the level of performance out of the strategies that we deploy, that you should have in place to sustain and grow your business. And in this case of practice, one person can’t do that. In our case we’re a little bit unique because we’re dealing with surgeons who’ve been through medical school or residency. I mean they’re really smart people so the idea of them thinking that they couldn’t figure something out on their own is really a challenge. If they can’t figure out how to get any success and they realize the next limit is going to be time, no one has enough time to be a surgeon, and be a marketer, and run a business, it just doesn’t work.

Mike White
Over the next three years what do you think the biggest trend in digital marketing is going to be?

Clayton Joyner
You know it’s a fantastic question and there are so many different changes that I can see on the horizon that we’re about to face. People assume that all digital marketing is going to kill all the traditional media and then everything we used to do is now going to just completely shift and it’s all the new things. You know some of that might be true but I think the reality of the situation is that there’s a whole lot of very successful strategies. And I want to point that keyword out, there’s a very big difference between strategies and tactics. When you talk digital marketing versus traditional marketing, the changes that we’re going to see I think we will see a lot of shift in actual tactic. I think the strategies are going to remain the same.

BluHorn TV – “5 Minutes With” Kenneth Lempit from Austin Lawerence Group

Company: Austin Lawerence Group Inc.
Website Address:
Interviewee: Kenneth Lempit

Short company description: Austin Lawrence Group is a content marketing agency that helps SaaS companies to accelerate growth through content marketing and thought leadership initiatives.
In the Next 5 years, the biggest change to marketing will be what?: AI will no doubt change a lot of the busy work of marketing. Administrative tasks that are at all repetitive will be automated partially or fully.
Why is it important for a business to hire an outside ad agency as opposed to having just an internal marketing director?: This is a big one… internal teams may start strong but ultimately calcify. Agencies bring a wealth of experience and context that internal teams gradually lose, and as this sharp edge dulls, the power of the ideas being generated goes down.

Mike White launched Client Focused Media in 2002, the leading integrated marketing firm in Northeast Florida with extensive capabilities and experience providing strategic planning, marketing, creative, advertising, printing, branding, public relations and crisis communications services. He also serves as the Publisher of Jacksonville Buzz Magazine which reaches 150,000 readers each month and is the CEO of Bluhorn Solutions. Because of White’s commitment to provide the broadest range of integrated marketing services possible for CFM’s clients, he also founded an events production company as well as a promotional product company to support CFM’s cutting edge marketing campaigns and to yield measurable results for CFM clients at the most efficient rates.

Mike White
Tell me about the Austin Lawrence Group and what you guys provide services or what services you provide and for whom.

Ken Lempit
Austin Lawrence is a growth marketing agency. Our business is primarily online. We build content and engagement experiences for our clients which are primarily SAS software companies. We operate in three areas. We provide thought leadership programs, and those are campaigns designed to change the way people think about an industry a company or a market. We do business effectiveness consulting for these SAS companies touching them everywhere that they touch customers or prospects. Then we do the day to day lead generation marketing of content work and blogs, ebooks, webinars, white papers, et cetera.

Mike White
At what point did you start transforming into the content development and the digital aspects that you provide the SAS businesses.

Ken Lempit
Yeah. So the agency was traditionally an advertising agency fully print and in real life events. Things really changed for us about six years ago when we started getting involved in tying the performance of Web based content sales outcomes. And I think that the ability to link up the activities online with what actually occurred in sales has been really the revolution. The ability to do the analytics in a closed loop fashion has really been a game changer over the last five years.

Mike White
You’ve got an entire team, out of the team what is your favorite worker and why.

Ken Lempit
I think that as a leader you have to look at the people that actually do the work and make you successful. And Kelly Burke is someone on my team who is just unflappable and what I really appreciate about this woman is that you know I haven’t given her an assignment yet that’s failed and she’s never said I can’t do it. She’s only said let me figure it out. And I think for people in the early to mid stage of their career perhaps the most important thing you can do is be that can do person who figures it out gets the job done. So that’s Kelly Burke.

Mike White
What do you feel are gonna be the biggest trend centers or trend setters or game changing activities that are gonna take place in the near future when it comes to digital marketing.

Ken Lempit
Well I think there’s two things ones right on us and one’s coming real soon. What’s right on us is that content marketing, while very effective and very important, it’s become almost impossible for many companies to search organically as the main way to generate inbound leads. So we’re gonna have to promote our content more than we previously might have wanted to. And that means we’re going to need to budget for advertising, for promoting our content in ways that we didn’t use to do. I think coming right on the heels of this the next two to three years AI in marketing automation is going to take away a lot of the jobs the need for the repetitive tasks that we that we staff today and I think that’s going to catch people by surprise from what I can tell. So I’d say that we’re in automation interestingly we’re creating a lot of manual labor. And I think some of that’s going to go away and the pace will accelerate over the next two to four years. So somewhere between two and three years it’s going to really be a trend.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

BluHorn TV – 5 Minutes With Jonathan Greene from LeadCrunch

Each week on Bluhorn TV, David Sillick talks to experts in the media industry. Today David talks to Jonathan Greene from LeadCrunch.

Company: LeadCrunch
Website Address:
Interviewee: Jonathan Greene

Short company description: We utilize advanced artificial intelligence and new, proprietary targeting data to provide B2B lookalike audiences.

What is your favorite advertising campaign that you have created for a client or participated in?: Oracle + Bronto. We were able to reduce their COA by over 50%

David Sillick
Tell us a little bit about the business.

Jonathan Greene
Lead crunch is a B2B marketing company. We try to answer that real tricky question of you know if if technology continues to advance and things continue to get more and more complex, there’s artificial intelligence and there’s CRM and there’s ABM strategies, then why is B2B marketing not improving? And we’ve found that the causes the underlying targeting is pretty terrible. So what we strive to do as a company we’ve come up with a new way to target outside of that demographic. From a graphic modality right which is to say most people begin by saying Let me figure out how many people are in the company and how much revenue they have and what industry they’re in. But the problem is that those underlying information points like next codes and all the things that people use for targeting are really inaccurate.

David Sillick
So tell us about a recent success story.

Jonathan Greene
We worked with Oracle and Bronto and we were able to decrease the cost of acquisition about 200 percent for them. Oracle grotto is just one case study. We’ve got a bunch of people we’ve been able to really move the needle in terms of cost of acquisition for new customers.

David Sillick
How do you usually work with your clients are you retainer based or project based.

Jonathan Greene
Not at all which is actually exciting. We do a cost per lead lead generation so you can come to us with a relatively small amount of pilot a budget you know five grand 10 grand and we can run a program for you and you’ll be able to press that through your funnel and see what the return on that’s going to be. It’s a no risk situation.